Do Business with Public Works
This calendar will not be available after July 2024. Please visit our new location.

Meet the Primes

Join this in-person event to learn about the Metro’s Prime Program.  Businesses will be taken through an overview and have an opportunity to network, create alliances and hear from successful prime contract awardees.

Government Procurement

This webinar offers an overview of the government procurement process of purchasing goods or services. Get ahead of the game and become a competitive bidder in this competitive process. 

City of LA Contracting Opportunities

Join this webinar to learn about doing business with the City of Los Angeles.  Topics include upcoming construction opportunities, information on bonding assistance and learning about the certification process.

Small Contractor Boot Camp

Over the course of four webinars, small contractors can improve their competitive bidding capacity through a comprehensive curriculum that includes learning about bench contracts, labor compliance, how to access capital and the prequalification process.

How To Do Business with CA State Government

Join this webinar to learn how to navigate the state contracting process and take advantage of opportunities available to businesses in CA. Hear experts talk about state contracting, including information on registering and certifying with the State of CA. 

Small Contractor Boot Camp

Over the course of four webinars, small contractors can improve their competitive bidding capacity through a comprehensive curriculum that includes learning about bench contracts, labor compliance, how to access capital and the prequalification process.

Hybrid Networking and Workshop

Join in-person or via livestream to hear information on Metro's Certification Program, Small Business Program initiatives, contract look-ahead schedules, and other resources to help grow with Metro.

Small Contractor Boot Camp

Over the course of four webinars, small contractors can improve their competitive bidding capacity through a comprehensive curriculum that includes learning about bench contracts, labor compliance, how to access capital and the prequalification process.

Small Contractor Boot Camp

Over the course of four webinars, small contractors can improve their competitive bidding capacity through a comprehensive curriculum that includes learning about bench contracts, labor compliance, how to access capital and the prequalification process.

Government Contracts: Steady Income for Businesses

This webinar offers a unique overview of government contracts and the different requirements from LA County and LA City officials.  Businesses will understand the process of finding and responding to public solicitations, the types of certifications available and the bidding process.